Comments from members: The authors of the content truly appreciate your praise. Hope all of us collectively do well and make medicine a more friendly environment for each other. I want to thank all of you for the wonderful work in this site. I just got the result of my step 2 CK. I am so happy to get a 91. Thanks one more time. The site was very helpful for me. Dr. GR
I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation to the superscore staff for such an outstanding review. This year I sat for the boards for the 7th time!! And this was the year I finally passed!! The difference was due in large part to the well-organized, succinctly pertinent content of the superscore website. You can only imagine how demoralized and how humiliated I have felt in spite of nine years of practicing solid, competent internal medicine in private practice. Superscore helped me to regain my self-esteem and self-respect I cant thank you enough. Best wishes Dr. DF April, 2004 I took the recertification exam and scored 170/180. 80% or more of what was asked - was on your site. Your site is excellent. July 2004 "I WAS GIVEN THE NAME OF YOUR REVIEW SITE AND THIS IS GREAT. I AM BOARD CERTIFIED ALSO, AND I FIND THIS REVIEW TO BE REFRESHING, STRAIGHT FORWARD. I AM A MEDICINE ROUNDER & ASSIST. PROF OF MEDICINE AND HAVE RECOMMENDED YOUR SITE TO THE PROGRAM AND MEDICINE RESIDENTS. GREAT SITE". Dr. AD I reviewed your web-site and I think it is a great service to aspiring
board certified physicians. I passed the IM boards with minimal
studying -- I wasn't looking to shine on the thing, just pass. The site helped me with a
bunch of factoids I had forgotten or never known. Obviously very efficient. Dear Superscore: I found the information helpful for last minute review and I passed the exam with a minimum of time spent in preparation. I could have done even better had I had time to memorize some of the specifics recommended on the web site. I was one of the regular members visiting your site, and
thankfully I passed the ABIM exam in Aug. 2000. "Your site is the best site for resident physicians and students". Dr. YH I am so glad to find out this convenient and excellent USMLE 3 preparation site. I will give you more feed back regarding the content and quality of your question bank. "Thank God - I just heard that I passed the ABIM
exam. This was my second attempt. Your web site was very useful in passing the boards. It
has a lot of valuable information. Thank you, I passed with a good score! Dr. Y "I also did quite well. and I PRAISE THE LORD
FOR MY SUPERSCORE. "I too have passed the boards. I am happy to
say I did well also!! Your website was very helpful. I also attended a board
review course that you recommended, ........ It "I also did well on my boards without taking any board review courses. Your site was excellent! Thank you ..." Dr. DJ - October 2000 "Its a great site, but fortunately I have passed my IM boards, but I have strongly recommended this site to all my friends and colleagues". Dr. OA "I have been looking up your site for over a year now. I have been
impressed with all your updates and additions to the site. You really are doing a great
service for people that have so little time to prepare for the boards!" "I am very impressed with the web site and the questions." Dr. UK" "I passed the Board exam and I am in the top 10 decile. Your board
review materials were useful." "I have really enjoyed the ease of a review on line. I can access it from the hospital any time I have a couple of minutes to review any topic I feel like. The pages are made so I can get high yield information, quickly. Also, the information is in an outline format, which makes for quick reading. Thanks for the website!!!! " Dr. LM, Tennessee. "Congratulations. The current climate does not allow anyone to practice without Board Cert. A site devoted to the best ways to achieve this goal is desirous and welcome. All residents should use this site on a weekly basis." Dr. GM, Connecticut. "This is the most practical and least expensive review I have seen. .... Medicine is still an art. Not all facts are applicable to our daily practice. But we all have to think of it as an exercise of flexibility in thinking. Kudos to the staff." Dr. JC "It was an excellent review! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm sure it will help us all. Eagerly waiting for the next one to come in my email. Excellent!" Dr. VB "Do you remember, what you sent us in the summary for the board: "if there is an CXR, look for ASD, pneumo..." There were two questions - X-Rays: one Pneumothorax, and the second one: ASD!!!!!!!" Dr. HK
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